NEWS: The Week Ahead
Eleventh Sunday after Trinity 15-Aug
- 8am Holy Communion
- 10am Parish Eucharist with Holy Baptism
- 6.30pm Said Communion
Twelfth Sunday after Trinity 23-Aug
- 8am Holy Communion
- 10am Parish Eucharist
- 6.30pm Evensong
- Hall closed from Monday for two weeks
- Morning Prayer 8.30am Wednesday in Church
- Prayer & Toast 7.30am Friday in the Vestry
- Hall closed – no coffee next Sunday
- Hall Summer Clean-up Sat 29 August from 9.30am – volunteers needed, please contact John Harris
- No Gatehouse collection in August
Please pray for Hendrix, to be baptised today, and for his family and friends; for those who are sick, especially Simon, Margaret, Lois, Bernard, John, Sarah & Iain, Andrew & Josh; for those whose anniversaries fall at this time, Gordon Hastings & Edith Pitchers
Tuesdays 15 Sept, 6 & 27 Oct 7.30-9pm
The book for the autumn sessions will be ‘Blessing’ by Andrew Davison, from the ‘Faith Going Deeper’ series from Canterbury Press, £12.00 or so. We hope that you will be able to come to all meetings, read the book and engage with the ideas! Further details in August magazine and from Andrew or Wendy
From Monday 24 August until Sunday 6 September (inclusive) we will be conducting an audit of our visitors. Thanks to all who have signed up already. If you haven’t yet considered helping, please do. This is serious business for all of us. So please join the jolly band in one or more of the three time slots: morning (8am up to 1130) mid-day (1130-1430) and afternoon (1430-1800). There is a sign-up sheet at the back of church or you can email Bill telling him which day(s) you can offer. Any questions, see either Churchwarden, Sally Brodhurst or Bill.