Ash Wednesday and Lent

Ash Wednesday and Lent

2-4pm Saturday 13 February

A pre-Lent retreat online with Angela Tilby: ‘How the light gets in’

Please register at: or by email to:

Ash Wednesday 17 February

Holy Eucharist 10am in church & 6.30pm online. An order of service for the online service can be found here: Ash Wednesday 2021.

Lent in the parish will be based on:

‘Life in the Psalms: contemporary meaning in ancient texts’

by Patrick Woodhouse (Bloomsbury 2015)

There is a theme for each week & a psalm for each weekday of Lent.

Use the book as your devotional reading for Lent.

Pray the psalms for the week published in the Notice Sheet at church.

Join an online group for a short discussion on the psalms for the week:

  • 2.30pm on Mondays starting 22 February
  • 7.30pm on Wednesdays starting 24 February

On Sunday evenings at 6.30pm come to church or go online to hear a sermon on one of the psalms for the week.

For more information about getting the book or joining a group, contact Andrew McKearney.

Other recommended resources on the psalms:

John L. Bell ‘Living with the Psalms (SPCK 2020)

Roger Wagner ‘The Book of Praises: Translations from the Psalms’ (Canterbury Press 2020)

Malcolm Guite ‘David’s Crown: Sounding the Psalms’ (Canterbury Press 2021)

Book launch 7pm on 11 February

From the Diocese:

Receive the daily Come and See reflections during Lent. In addition to the daily emails, there will be a video and contemplative toolkit exercise to work with on each Sunday. For anyone who feels adrift in this pandemic, whether or not they know anything about the Christian faith. Read more and sign up here:

Updated to include the liturgy of Ash Wednesday.