Coronavirus update: Baptisms, weddings, and funerals
Last updated 1 September 2021.
We are delighted to welcome you for a baptism, wedding, or funeral. It is now up to venues to set limits and restrictions for the safety of all those attending. You can find the current guidance for St Mary’s Church below.
Please get in touch with the Vicar, Andrew McKearney, to book or discuss a funeral or the possibility of a wedding in the future; or contact the Curate, Nikolaj Christensen, to discuss a baptism (christening). We are always happy to talk you through the options if that would help you work out what to do.
The main restrictions you may want to be aware of are:
- We recommend that you invite up to 75 people for a funeral, interment (burial) of ashes, wedding, or baptism.
- When determining the number attending, you do not need to count the minister and any other church personnel, but you do need to include anyone you employ for the event such as a photographer.
- We have live-streaming in place for anyone who is unable to attend; please ask if you would like this.
- We encourage those who have the NHS Covid-19 app to check in using our QR code for NHS Test and Trace purposes.
- People deemed vulnerable to Covid-19 may not feel safe to attend, even though they are allowed to.
- If someone becomes ill with symptoms of Covid-19 (‘a new continuous cough, a high temperature or a loss of, or change in, their normal sense of taste or smell’) then they must self-isolate and get a PCR test for Covid-19. Anyone who is told to self-isolate must not attend the service.
- Seating is spread out across the church as far as possible.
- Communal singing is allowed, but we recommend limiting the number of hymns as singing can increase the risk of spreading the virus.
- All those attending are asked to wear a face covering, unless they have a legitimate reason to be exempt from this. At a wedding, the bride and groom are exempt from this.
For a service at the crematorium, cemetery, or burial ground we are also delighted to assist, though similar restrictions may be in place.
For up to date guidance, you may wish to consult the Church of England’s national website and the Government’s website. The Church of England has also published advice especially for wedding couples.