Coronavirus update: Phased reopening
At 7am on Monday Andrew will place the sacrament in the aumbry and ring the bell to indicate the reopening of Iffley Church as a house of prayer. It will remain locked throughout the coming week. If anyone wishes to use the church to pray, the key is available by prior arrangement from Andrew McKearney and, on Thursday, from Maureen McNaboe. Thank you to Ann & Paul Almond for polishing all the brass, and Margrit Bates, Gillian Jenkins & Viviane Robertson for arranging the flowers.
From next Sunday 28 June the church will be open at 2.15-4.15pm on Sunday and at 10am-12noon on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Two volunteers will be needed for either 1 or 2 hours each to provide ‘light touch’ supervision and feedback to the vicar & churchwardens. On Sunday the volunteers will be organised by Penny Tyack (Living Stones) and on the weekdays by Janet Low. On Thursdays the church will be available to those who are vulnerable by request to Maureen McNaboe (please let her know by 5pm on Wednesday) and on Friday and Saturday by prior arrangement with Andrew Mckearney.
Depending on the feedback received, the opening hours will be gradually relaxed until the church is open Sunday to Wednesday 7am-6pm and ‘light touch’ supervision will move to spot checks and then removed altogether. The Living Stones volunteers will continue to be present 2.15-4.15pm on Sundays. There is always the proviso that events may overtake us and the phased reopening reversed or abandoned altogether as unnecessary.
You are invited to give your view on new graduate student accommodation at Court Place Gardens.
Please also have a look at this week’s notices. And do join us for worship online on Sunday at 10am.