Coronavirus update: public worship suspended

Coronavirus update: public worship suspended

Following the Government’s announcement yesterday of further measures to stop the spread of the coronavirus, the Archbishops of Canterbury and York have announced that all Sunday services and midweek meetings in the Church of England are suspended until further notice. Their letter helpfully points out that Christians still have an important role to play:

We, the Church of Jesus Christ, with our sisters and brothers from other Christian churches, must be in the forefront of providing practical care and support for the most poor and the most vulnerable …

Being a part of the Church of England is going to look very different in the days ahead. Our life is going to be less characterised by attendance at church on Sunday, and more characterised by the prayer and service we offer each day.

We will not be meeting for services from now on, but we will continue to post updates on the website as well as resources for you. Please subscribe to make sure you receive new posts from the website. And please get in touch if you are self-isolating or have any other need, or if you have help or information you want to offer.

The church building itself remains open for all who want to use it as a place for prayer or reflection.

Together with Rose Hill Methodist Church we are also hoping to keep offering food supplies through Community Cupboard to those in our local community who need it most, but we are dependent on having food to give out, so please do consider donating food if you are able to; you can get in touch with Nikolaj (01865 701130) to arrange this.

Please follow guidance from the Government and NHS to keep yourself and others safe. Stay calm and kind.

A prayer for this time:

Keep us, good Lord,
under the shadow of your mercy
in this time of uncertainty and distress.
Sustain and support the anxious and fearful,
and lift up all who are brought low;
that we may rejoice in your comfort
knowing that nothing can separate us from your love
in Christ Jesus our Lord.