Living Stones are hosting three special events in May – see below for details
On Saturday 10th May our highly popular annual event for enthusiastic artists, Drawing Iffley Church, will be guided by local artist, Micah Hayns, Places are limited so please reserve yours soon!
The following weekend Iffley is hosting two early music events. The first, on Saturday 17th May, is a celebration of St Dunstan, 10th-century archbishop of Canterbury and one of the best-known and popular English saints at the time when Iffley Church was built. This day-long immersion in chant and bells will culminate in a service in which the Schola Gregoriana of Cambridge and participants in the workshop will sing music attributed to St Dunstan himself. For more information see and for tickets please email
At 4pm on Sunday 18th May Oxford Festival of the Arts is putting on a concert in Iffley Church, ‘A life of love and joy’: Songs from Medieval Europe. You can find more information on the Festival’s website:
Contact for any queries: Penny Tyack