SERMON: ‘We are put on earth a little space, that we may learn to bear the beams of love.’

SERMON: ‘We are put on earth a little space, that we may learn to bear the beams of love.’

A sermon preached at St Mary’s Iffley by Andrew McKearney on 4 February 2018 We’ve heard Saint John unfold the mystery of the incarnation, beginning…

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For the last few months a small group of dedicated needle workers have been sewing together a series of triangles in shades of gold, blues…

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SERMON: Learning to open our eyes to the Grace and Love of God

SERMON: Learning to open our eyes to the Grace and Love of God

A sermon preached by David Barton on the Third Sunday of Epiphany. Readings: Revelations 19, 6-10. John 2, 1-11 A wedding! We all know about…

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SERMON: The Epiphany Story

SERMON: The Epiphany Story

A sermon preached at St.Mary’s, Iffley by Anthony Phillips on 7 January 2018 You will have heard me criticise those who devised our lectionary before…

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Understanding the New Testament

Understanding the New Testament

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SERMON: Finding Hope in a Troubled World

SERMON: Finding Hope in a Troubled World

A sermon preached by David Barton in St Mary’s Iffley on the Third Sunday of Advent 2017. Readings: Isaiah 61:1-4,8-end. I Thessalonians 5:16-24 I was…

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