God’s Carvings: my Work as a Sculptor, a talk by Nicholas Mynheer

29 September 2019 @ 4:30 pm – 5:30 pm
Iffley Church Hall
116-122 Church Way
Oxford OX4 4EG
Penny Tyack

Nicholas Mynheer created the doorway for the aumbry in Iffley Church in 2012. The 13th century aumbry is a cupboard for the safe-keeping of the sacramental vessels. It is quietly guarded by two 21st-century angels. Light shines from within, indicating that the consecrated bread and wine lie ready for service: the eucharist can be taken at any time to the sick and infirm. This work conveys Nicholas Mynheer’s mystical approach to art and theology with characteristic simplicity.

Come in good time for this lecture! From 3.30 you will be able to see the almost-completed ‘Romanesque’ arch of stones carved by the participants in the stone-carving course, and there will be tea (FREE) in the Church Hall.

After the lecture you are warmly invited to attend the service of evensong in Iffley Church at 6.30