No, this isn’t a club just for eating fish & chips (although that would be awesome!)
Its a group for primary school aged children. We meet during the Sunday morning service (10.00am term time) and have our own space in the Church Hall for games and quieter activities in the room upstairs. We re-join the service at communion and stay until the end.
What We Do
We sometimes have energetic team games in the Hall relating to the theme for the session. We then move upstairs and work on the theme in some other way and finish with prayer. At the moment we have a prayer wall on which we pin coloured stars with our prayers written on them. After pinning them up we read them out and all say Amen after each one. We enjoy festivals of the church year and birthdays and parties.
Children are sometimes more aware of the sacred and the importance of the Big questions than adults. As a Christian Community we want to talk about these things and give truthful answers. We want to lay foundations of faith that are strong enough to survive the storms of adolescence and will not be remembered as childish stories like Father Christmas. It is also a time when the service in church is geared to adults and not to children of this age and so gives them their ‘church’ time.
Health & Safety
We tick all the boxes with DBS checks, consent forms and registration docs. We also have a fire extinguisher and First Aid box regularly checked.