An update on St. Mary’s, Iffley Harvest Appeal 2023
We are in the third year of support for Ripple Effect through our Harvest Appeal. This year we are aiming to provide 150 keyhole gardens and training in keyhole gardening for 150 families in Migori in Kenya. The Appeal runs until November 30th.
For further details of keyhole gardening and the project, follow this link.
To donate online, click on this link, which will take you to the donation page. Alternatively, you can donate by BACS transfer to Iffley PCC, sort code 20-65-18, account no. 50532827, reference Harvest Appeal. Cheques can also be posted to the church office, made payable to Iffley PCC and placed in an envelope marked Harvest Appeal- a gift aid form is available in the leaflet, which can be found at the back of the church.
Contact for queries: Maggie Wilson