SERMON: Here I Stand
‘Here I stand: Confirmation in today’s Church’ Revd Andrew McKearney’s Sermon for 3rd Sunday in Lent 23-March-14 Today we are thinking about confirmation; and it’s lovely to be doing so on the day that Katharine and Deborah are being confirmed by Bishop John. As many of us as are able and would like are invited […]
SERMON: Communion is about Relationship
Travelling with Children — reflections on children’s involvement with Eucharist. Revd Graham Low’s Sermon for 2nd Sunday in Lent, 16-March-14 In his sermon last Sunday David discussed three vital and sacramental elements on our Christian journey: Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist. In the Church of England until well into the 20th century it was usual for baptism soon […]
SERMON: Naming The Places of our Strength
Signposts on the Journey — the relationship between Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist Revd David Barton’s Sermon for the First Sunday in Lent, 9-March-14 When I first started teaching in London in the early seventies, we lived in a flat in North Paddington. It was an area that had been scheduled for redevelopment, and short distance away […]
MAGAZINE: Baptism & Communion
From the Rectory: For a few years now the Church of England has encouraged parishes to have a discussion about admitting baptised children to Holy Communion before confirmation. If vicar and PCC are in agreement then the Bishop is approached to be asked if this can become the policy in that particular parish. So parishes all […]
MAGAZINE: Many Stories Gathered At One Table
Week by week, we come to be part of the Communion service – as part of the family together, but also as unique individuals responding to God’s call to come to the banquet. Some receive a blessing from the priest as babies in their parents’ arms. Others are older children, maybe from the Fish and […]