Widening Horizons

radcliffeWidening Horizons group members meet together over three sessions to discuss a book.

Meetings are normally once a month, 7.15 for 7.30pm at the Rectory ending at 9pm.

The group is open to anyone to join but by signing up you are agreeing to come to all three planned meetings, to read the chapters under discussion beforehand and to come prepared to engage with the ideas contained in the book.

There are normally anything up to 12 people who come.

The books recently studied have been:

Rowan Williams “Tokens of Trust: an introduction to Christian Belief” Canterbury Press 2007

Timothy Radcliffe “What is the Point of Being a Christian?” Burns & Oates 2005

Alister McGrath “Mere Theology: Christian faith and the discipleship of the mind” SPCK  2010

John Robinson “Honest to God: 50th Anniversary Edition” SCM Press 2013

Please let the Parish Adminstrator know if you are interested in joining the next group