Ash Wednesday and Lent
This Wednesday is Ash Wednesday, the beginning of the 40 days (plus 6 Sundays) of Lent leading up to Easter. You can join us for the Holy Eucharist at 10am or 6.30pm in Church on Wednesday, where the imposition of ashes will also be offered.
In light of the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, the Archbishops of the Church of England have given their ‘support to the call from Pope Francis for a global day of prayer and fasting for peace on Ash Wednesday, March 2′.
We would also encourage you to join the Anglican Diocese in Europe in prayer for peace; there will be an online prayer event on Tuesday at 6pm including representatives from their churches in Russia and Ukraine.
Later that evening, on a more cheerful note, you can join in celebrating Shrove Tuesday at the Poetry & Pancakes event put on by the Friends of St Mary’s. It’s at 7.30pm in the church hall – tickets are on sale from the Community Shop.
THE LORD’S PRAYER – our theme for Lent 2022
There will be a sermon on the Lord’s Prayer at each service every Sunday.
Recommended Lent reading ‘Thy Will be Done’ by Stephen Cherry, the 2021 Lent Book published by Bloomsbury Continuum. Available for sale online for £10 or less (or as an Ebook).
Join the online weekly discussion group based on this book, 7.30-
8.30pm Wednesdays 9, 16, 23, 30 March & 6 & 13 April by contacting
Andrew McKearney:
Sign up to the diocesan material produced on the Lord’s Prayer for