9.30am Holy Eucharist
11am Holy Eucharist
6.30pm Evening Service
Having consulted the ministry team and the PCC it is clear that we must be cautious as we resume Sunday morning worship. What has been decided stems from the fact that the safest way to distribute communion is for the congregation to stay where they are rather than coming up to the altar rail. So the Sunday morning services will follow the way we have developed services in church during the pandemic. All Covid mitigations will remain in place except that the maximum allowed in church will rise from 45 to 60.
In particular this means:
- Face coverings will still be required
- Every other pew will remain vacant
- Communion will continue in one kind only
- Communion will be brought to the congregation where they are
- No collection will be taken
- The Peace will not be passed physically
- Only one hymn will be sung, by the congregation
These arrangements will be kept under constant review and changes made in the light of experience and government and church guidance. In particular booking at 9.30am and/or 11am may need to be introduced depending on demand.
Sincere apologies to those for whom this schedule of Sunday services is difficult or a disappointment.
Andrew McKearney