Update: Singing together again… and Evensong

Update: Singing together again… and Evensong

Earlier this month we paused singing at all services and recommended wearing face coverings outdoors as well as indoors, due to the prevalence of Covid-19 locally and across the country. As the latest wave seems to be subsiding, we are now rolling back these precautions.

Our prayers remain with those still affected by the virus. Please continue to be responsible and mindful of others. Please wear a face covering in church (unless exempt) including while singing.

As well as singing at our morning services this coming Sunday at 9.30am and 11am, in the evening we will have a sung service of Evensong at 6.30pm with members of St Mary’s Choir. All are welcome to either or both. We look forward to worshipping and singing with you.

For more information on our services and other activities during the current pandemic, please go to our Covid-19 information page. You can find this week’s events on the Notice Sheet.

Please don’t hesitate to contact me directly if you have any questions: phone 01865 701130 or email curate@iffleychurch.org.uk.

Get the latest NHS information and advice about coronavirus (COVID-19) here.

Nikolaj Christensen, Curate of St Mary’s