Our Sunday services and links to live online video streamed services are as follows:

Service times:

Every Sunday: 10am Parish Eucharist. This service is also live-streamed. To follow a service in church on our YouTube channel please click here.
Every Wednesday: 10am Holy Eucharist (followed by coffee)

In Addition:
1st & 3rd Sunday of the month: 8.30am Holy Communion – traditional language
2nd Sunday of the month: 6.30pm Sung Evensong – with St Mary’s choir
3rd Sunday of the month: 8pm Taizé service
4th Sunday of the month: 6.30pm Eventide
5th Sunday of the month: 6.30pm Evening Prayer with hymns

The Rhythm of Worship at St Mary’s

Worship lies at the heart of our Christian life together at St Mary’s. Worship at St Mary’s draws on a number of liturgical traditions; we value music and silence, word and action, the ancient and the contemporary. The rhythm of liturgy gives shape to the year, the month, the week and even the day itself.

Parish Eucharist – our main Sunday service is a Parish Eucharist at 10 am every Sunday. We sing many parts of this Common Worship service together, and there are hymns and a sermon. Children come for the first part of the service, and then can join in with the Fish and Chip Club, returning in time to come up to the Communion rail for a blessing. From time to time, prayers for healing with the laying on of hands are offered during this service. There is always coffee/tea afterwards in the Church Hall.

Holy Eucharist at 8.30am – twice per month (first and third Sundays) we have an early morning service of Holy Communion (Book of Common Prayer). There are no hymns at this service.

Sung Evensong – once a month we have Sung Evensong (Book of Common Prayer) sung by the St Mary’s Choir, normally with a visiting preacher, and we hold an occasional Evening Prayer with hymns (when there is a 5th Sunday).

Taizé – This is a monthly (3rd Sunday) service at 8pm, drawing on music from the Taizé community in France, and involves simple sung chants, poetry and scripture, and a time for silent prayer. See here for more information.

Eventide is a new monthly service (starting September 22nd 2024) which will be contemplative, inclusive, and creative. This will be on the 4th Sunday of the month (except December and April).

We deeply value the riches of the Church’s year and run seasonal events to help us reflect on the wider story of which we are all part. From time to time, there are evening services of Music and Readings to mark special days in the church’s year.

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