The launch of Living Stones

On 3rd December nearly one hundred of our supporters, well-wishers and partners came to a reception to celebrate the launch of the Living Stones project. Guests were welcomed in the Church Hall where they were able to look at the six banners introducing Living Stones at St Mary’s Church, Iffley. They were able to see and handle the model of the church, and to talk to the volunteer team about the work. They were presented with a new publication, ‘St Mary the Virgin, Iffley: The church and its people, c.1160-1240’.

Everyone was encouraged to walk over to the church to soak up its beauty and to experience the short film showing the effect of the original wall-paintings and music.

Back in the Hall, Revd Andrew McKearney, Penny Tyack (activity co-ordinator) and Dr William Beaver (communications chief) gave a presentation of the vision and work of Living Stones. They described the reason for the project, what has been achieved over the six months of the HLF Sharing our Heritage grant, and what is planned for the future. Ms Susan McCormack, the local representative from HLF, concluded by confirming the success of the project. One departing guest said, ‘Well done for everything you have achieved, it is absolutely brilliant!! I look forward to coming to the Plainsong event in the summer and must keep abreast of the other activities you have planned! There are certainly lots of wonderful ideas there!’

The hard-working team of volunteers with the model of Iffley Church.