NEWS: This Week Ahead

NEWS: This Week Ahead


8am Holy Communion – a said Book of Common Prayer service.
The Collect, Epistle and Gospel can be found here.

10am Parish Eucharist – a Common Worship service with music.

6.30pm Evensoing – a sung Book of Common Prayer service.



Morning Prayer 8.30am Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday in Church

Prayer & Toast 7.30am Friday in the Vestry

Magazine deadline for May edition this Saturday

Friends of St Mary’s annual outing to West Sussex on Saturday

Fish & Chip Club for Primary School age children starts a new term 10am next Sunday in Church followed by activities in the Hall


Guided visit to Church 6pm Tuesday 21 April

Gatehouse food next needed Sunday 26 April

Taizé Service next at 8pm Sunday 26 April

Prayer & Spirituality Group next meets 4pm Monday 27 April

Annual Meeting 7.45pm Tuesday 28 April in the Hall

Healing Ministry next offered during the Parish Eucharist Sunday 3 May

Parish Retreat 29-31 May at the Carmelite Retreat Centre, Boars Hill – leaflet at the back of Church



Tuesday 28 April at 7.45pm in the Hall

Churchwardens Dougall Morrison and Mark Phythian-Adams are willing to stand for election for the coming year

PCC Members One to be elected for 1 year, two to be elected for 2 years and four to be elected for 3 years

Annual Report for 2014 to be distributed shortly

Church Electoral Roll revised version now on display



Friends of St Mary’s Annual Outing this Saturday to visit three spectacular West Sussex churches guided by Geoffrey Tyack – see leaflet at the back of Church for details

Christian Aid Walk around Bix on Saturday 16 May – a welcome change from the Election the previous week! Put the date in your diaries now and contact Sarah M if interested on