NEWS: Iffley Church Shortlisted for a National Prize

NEWS: Iffley Church Shortlisted for a National Prize

Easter Sunday: Roger Wagner window - reflection in font

Easter Sunday: Roger Wagner window – reflection in font

Iffley Church has been shortlisted for a national prize ‘The ACE Award for Art in a Religious Context’.

The other five shortlisted works of art are in Gloucester, Ely and St Paul’s Cathedrals, St George’s Church Great Bromley and St Michael’s Camden.

The judging panel is chaired by the Bishop of Salisbury, and consists of Dr Jane Williams (senior tutor in theology at St Mellitus College), Alexander Sturgis (Director of the Ashmolean Museum), Joe Hage (collector), and Janet Gough (Director of the Cathedrals & Church Buildings Division of the Church of England).

The artists are Roger Wagner and Nick Mynheer and the three works of art are the aumbry, the stained glass window and the font cover.

The winner will be announced on Thursday 26 November in London.

Warmest congratulations to Roger Wagner and Nick Mynheer, and to Revd David Barton for heading up the Enhancements programme that these works of art have been part of.

Andrew McKearney
Vicar of Iffley