NEWS: Eat or Heat?
Eat or Heat? A Justice Forum on fuel poverty. 18th November 9.30am Wesley Memorial Church Oxford
This round table event chaired by Alison Webster, Social Responsibility Adviser to the Diocese of Oxford, is a joint initiative of the Oxford Diocesan Board of Mission and the national campaigning body Church Action on Poverty
Through a range of national speakers and local projects the event will explore:
- Who is affected by fuel poverty in our own communities?
- What more should Government and the energy companies be doing to tackle fuel poverty?
- What practical support is available to people to help reduce their bills, or to help with energy efficiency measures?
Doors open at 9.30am for welcome with tea/coffee. Event finishes with a free lunch at 1pm with time for networking.
To book your place please click on this link which will take you to the Eventbrite booking website, which is an external page outside of